Saturday, September 27, 2008

Acne clear during pregnancy

« ...When it comes to the subject of acne many people have a very narrow view. That is, they assume that acne primarily hits teens and young adults and concentrates mostly in the facial area. To a degree, there is accuracy in such a statement as teens are susceptible to acne and acne does often appear most pronounced in the facial areas. But, in terms of the totality of body mass that acne effects, it has been known to affect the scalp region, the arms, the legs, and even extremities such as the toes. Also, it has been known to affect adults just as much a it affects teens as well. Now, of all the regions where acne is problematic probably the most problematic is back acne....
...One of our other fast and free acne home remedies is garlic. Garlic has been used in many natural cures but is also known to cure acne. Several times a day rub the skin with a clove of garlic. Apart from rubbing the skin with garlic several times a day you should also increase your intake of garlic in your diet. Garlic helps to purify the blood and rid the skin of pimples and acne....»
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«...Smoking- Now we all know there are no positive affects on smoking on our body and the same thing applies to our skin. Smoking too much can actually cause our skin to breakout with pimples or acne. It has been proven that acne is much more prevalent in smokers than non smokers therefore you must cut down on your smoking in order to really cure acne....»
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tags: deep acne scar treatment, really dry face in winter how to prevent and acne, baking soda and water work for acne yahoo

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