Saturday, September 27, 2008

Eat tomato for acne

« ...Different types of homemade facial masks and washes are also used as alternative acne treatments. These include washing ones face with a paste made of garbanzo beans, and applying a mask made of ground almonds and goats milk. Sounds strange, but there are many who swear by it. Diet has also been indicated as an important factor in controlling acne. A diet rich in beta carotene (think carrots, cantaloupe, etc.) has been touted as an alternative acne treatment....
...In the morning, you want to wash your face to remove any dead skin and built up oil that has accumulated from the night before. Next, make sure to apply a good quality toner and moisturizer. The toner should be alcohol free, so as not to dry out your skin. After this, you can now apply your makeup....»
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«...Yes. Once the body's natural levels of testosterone production return, the sebaceous glands will return to normal production levels, and acne will subside. However, some AI/SERMs, used in PCT (post-cycle therapy) can lead to elevated testosterone levels, and therefore elevated acne levels as well....»
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tags: best way to wash your face with acne, natural acne scar treatment, acne treatment and whitening pills

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