Saturday, September 27, 2008

Over the counter acne cream

« ...Millions of people buy various acne products each year in the hopes that they can say goodbye to their acne forever. Sadly, hardly anything actually works and many people are left worrying that they will never get rid of pimples. Fortunately, there are natural acne treatments that will clear your skin completely - you just need to make sure they follow the "special rule" of treating acne....
...There are a number of actions that can worsen acne in anyone. In my experience I have discovered quite a few but that does not mean there are not others and it also does not mean that everything I list below will affect you in the same way. The only real way to identify your own personal stimulants is by paying close attention to what you eat and what you do. If you can, record your daily food intake so that when you have flare ups you can reference the records and see any links....»
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«...In China acne is believed to be caused by heat and certain toxins building in the blood stream. Certain foods can raise body temperatures as well as certain toxin levels. It is viewed as a digestive problem where toxins are discharged into the skin instead of their normal destination. Sometimes a diet change is all you need. Low fat with proper vitamins and minerals with possible fiber increase if your acne is digestion related. Substances like Spicy Foods, Garlic, Coffee and Soup cause heat to build up in the body and they should not be used in excess. Saturated fat damages tissue in the body and can cause inflammation that can make pimples appear bigger. Foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids are a great tip for getting rid of acne naturally. Greasy foods don't necessarily cause acne but one thing's for sure they don't help prevent it....»
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tags: healthy food to help acne scars, fast acne remedies, what types of acne are there

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