Saturday, September 27, 2008

Acne medicine and pregnancy

« ...Know more on Home Remedies and Natural Cures by visitng: for easy and effective home remedies for all common illness....
...You can also exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to get rid of surface dead skin cells. Exfoliation can be done in the form of using a solution that contains fruit acids or salicylic acid. There are also facial scrubs that provide very gentle exfoliation. However, note that if you are having acne cyst, it is best not to use a grainy facial scrub as the rubbing may spread the inflammation and worsen the acne....»
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«...With so many beauty products, you would be tempted to try them with the hope that their promises to make you look great or keep your face smooth and healthy. Without you knowing it, they could harm your skin. They could even lead your skin to some disorders. Instead of using such chemical-based, you could try the natural things or products with natural components. One great example is soaps with tea tree oil. ...»
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tags: zinc mask facial water acne, how can i remove acne scars from my face, acne care product skin treatment

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