Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acne treatment for african american skin

« ...Another technical procedure is the Laser resurfacing. This is a kind of method that gets rid of pimples and scars. The two lasers frequently used are CO2 laser and YAG laser. This particularly removes the damaged top layer of the skin. The recovery will take weeks and some topical ointment may be applied for speedy recovery. Another procedure to eliminate acne scars and decrease their numbers in the process is the Augmentation; this procedure lets a dermatologist inject fillers like collagen or fats under the skin....
...• Vegetable oils. This is the worst culprit when it comes to acne. When I stopped eating vegetable oils my acne began to improve significantly. Just stopping cooking with vegetable oils like sunflower oil is, on its own likely to have a significant effect on your acne. But the trouble is vegetable oil is present in countless foods even if you are not aware of it. You find it in such foods as chips, nuts, and cookies (biscuits), and many ready-made meals. When you buy food from the supermarket check to see what oils are used and cut out those with these damaging oils. This simple change will work wonders for acne sufferers....»
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«...You want to remove pimples right? Cleaning pores of past blockages and fostering new cell growth inside the pores helps lessen the chances of future problems. If the cells are functioning like they should be, nothing should ever get clogged in the first place. Prevention before the fact is essential in the battle against acne....»
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tags: can taking a triphasic birth control cause acne, clinique facial acne soap, does glycerin help get rid of acne

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