Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to stop acne bacteria

« ...In China acne is believed to be caused by heat and certain toxins building in the blood stream. Certain foods can raise body temperatures as well as certain toxin levels. It is viewed as a digestive problem where toxins are discharged into the skin instead of their normal destination. Sometimes a diet change is all you need. Low fat with proper vitamins and minerals with possible fiber increase if your acne is digestion related. Substances like Spicy Foods, Garlic, Coffee and Soup cause heat to build up in the body and they should not be used in excess. Saturated fat damages tissue in the body and can cause inflammation that can make pimples appear bigger. Foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids are a great tip for getting rid of acne naturally. Greasy foods don't necessarily cause acne but one thing's for sure they don't help prevent it....
...Acne develops most often in teenagers. Usually it will wane over time and completely disappear after an individual reaches his early twenties. In extreme cases, it will last into the thirties and forties. The appearance of acne in adolescence can be especially stressful to the teenager, as this is a time when personal insecurities are rampant. Having a faceful of pimples only adds to this insecurity and can lead to severe depression. Therefore aggressive treatment is recommended. ...»
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«...Both facial acne and back acne are caused by the same clogs in the pores of the skin. When dead skin cells get caught up and cannot flake from the skin, they block the release of oils from the sebaceous glands. With the back skin being thicker than facial skin, the infection or irritation may be deeper. ...»
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tags: food fights acne, spells to make ur acne disappear forever, home treatment of facial acne

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