Thursday, October 2, 2008

How do i get rid acne scars on face

« ...2. Diet. By making some changes in your diet, you will be able to see a difference in the clarity of your skin. As fresh fruits and vegetables contain lots of essential nutrients, by increasing your consumption of these foods, your skin will heal faster, be more balanced and less dull. Another advantage of eating more fruits and vegetables is that it cleanses your body of toxin wastes so the harmful bacteria that is clogging your skin gets flushed away....
...So how does one actually go about "DISRUPTING" this insidious cycle of acne?... By using creams, lotions, ointments, masks? ... Well, that's one way. I call that surface-to-surface contact. For a percentage of acne sufferers, it'll work. It does interrupt -- not disrupt -- the acne cycle somewhat, but only at the surface. For many acne sufferers however, it does little good....»
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«...If your at-home anti-acne regimen is not giving the results you desire, you might want to check out some of the new kits that are available. These kits or 'systems' are effective as acne remedies, but you may need to experiment to find the right on for you. They come with cleansers, gels or creams, ex foliators and masks that when used together can create good results....»
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tags: how to cure acne through diet, how to remove acne from face, pepto bismol work acne

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