Thursday, October 2, 2008

Remedies to get rid of acne spots

« ...Try out all three of these home remedies and see which one works best for you. With every one I guarantee great, instant results. They worked for me and now they will work for you!...
...In recent years, acne is being seen increasingly on the chests and backs of men who participate in vigorous athletic activities. Some observers speculate that sweating and friction causes the acne because the primary sites are most often under the clothing....»
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«...Several dermatological procedures can be employed to help treat acne scars. However, these procedures are determined by your physician based on some personal medical factors such as age, health, severity of the scars etc. Some of these acne scarring treatments are:...»
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tags: cystic acne remedies, retinoic acid acne ring worm tinea, best face soap for acne from china

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