Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pimples and acne treatment

« ...Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, if you have acne, shaving bumps and sensitive skin, extremely sharp razors are not suitable for you. Forget about the commercial fight between the razor companies and choose a blade that is just reasonably sharp. Let your hairs grow a bit before you start your shaving ritual. An extremely sharp razor will shave off much more skin then what is really necessary. When you take off more skin with your blade, your skin will feel really irritated....
...Having to go through life with a face full of acne can make even the most rational person put their common sense aside and try some wacky things to cure their acne....»
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«...Part of acne natural cure is to be clean in your environment not only in your body. Your pillowcase is where you lay your face on a daily basis. Upon doing so, the pillowcase gets all the bacteria and oil that comes from your skin. It should be regularly changed at least every other day to prevent further infection and transfer of these oils to your skin. When the oil and dirt is being reapplied over and over again, there's no use in doing several skin care routines that would cure your acne. Moreover, when your room is filthy, you will not only get allergies that would cause you to sneeze but skin irritations as well. Maintain a clean environment to cure your acne naturally....»
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tags: cetaphil cleanser help with acne and retin-a, teens getting rid of acne overnight, zinc supplement acne make-up

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